*On 2/10/15, OWC paid $400.00 to have a chain of mammory cancer removed from Zoey, a chow mix. She was also sterilized and vaccinated.
Zoey's family was being wrongly accused of neglect/abuse for a naturally occurring cancer and OWC stepped in to help disprove this accusation, as well as prolong Zoey's life. After 3 hours of intricate surgery, her cancer was successfully removed by DMV Jeffrey Baranack of West Side Animal Hospital in Alliance, OH.
*He reduced the surgery cost by 50%. We are very grateful to him and his staff

Cadiz residents are encouraged to volunteer from time to time with the cleaning of kennels and other duties here. Volunteering will only benefit the dogs impounded there. Please call the pound to see when they may need assistance. 740-942-4080. Julie
Guardians of Rescue and OWC
work together to make changes at Harrison facility!

Old "gas chamber" once used for euthanasia. This evil tomb was removed on Feb 3rd, 2011!!!! A veterinarian now handles all euthanasia by injection for Harrison Co. pound.
See OWC's video of the gas chamber being removed! Visit:
http://www.youtube.com and type in "Operation Warm & Cozy"
OWC Transports Harrison Co. dogs to new adoptive homes.
When Jay Weiner called OWC and asked us to transport four adopted dogs that he rescued from Harrison Co.pound, it was a matter of finding drivers who could relocate the dogs over 3,000 miles round trip! I immediately thought of taxi driver and OWC member, Robert Pierce from Dover, OH. I called him and asked him if he would help save the lives of four loving dogs. Without hesitation, he said yes! OWC transported Robert and Bobby Pierce to Wheeling, WV to meet these amazing dogs. With the assistance of his son Bobby, all four dogs were delivered to their new homes. The locations were Dayton, OH, Fort Wayne IN, Peebles, OH and Buffalo, NY! Jay's organization, Gentle Barn Rescue, paid for a rental van for the 3 day journey. All dogs are now in loving homes! Thanks to all involved. Especially the new adoptive parents!

Britney was rescued from the drop box outside of the Harrison pound. Someone abandoned her in the freezing cold. She HAS found her forever home. Harrison, Britney's son, HAS been adopted also!!
Harrison and Britney (mom)

Buddy the Cat is saved from a horrible death!

Buddy was seconds away from having his head smashed with a brick when Rich Engler intervened and took him to a safe place. That safe place was to the home of Lori Krebs and her son Dylan. When Lori called OWC for immediate help, OWC contacted Dr. Jeff Baranack to do immediate surgery on Buddy's damaged eye. His left eye was half gone and needed to be removed to prevent infection. Buddy was neutered and vaccinated also. Buddy is extremely loving and gentle. Dylan has been nursing Buddy back to health and he is ready for adoption ASAP! His stitches will need to be removed in two weeks (Feb 28th), 2011. OWC has paid for Buddy's treatment and donations to help with the cost can be made using our ""PayPal" button on this website.
Lori and Dylan with Buddy

Update: Buddy was adopted and is living a grand life!!!
OWC rescued a cat that had his head stuck in a lattice fence for over 24 hours Saturday, May 7th, 2010
The cat's head had become swollen from the struggle to free himself, and in turn, would not come back through. OWC sprang into action immediately, (due to the lack of response from ANY other agency in Tuscarawas County), and saved the cat's life. Member Tina Karl wrapped the cat's hind quarters in a blanket and comforted the cat, I lubricated his head and neck. Then Craig, a helpful bystander, cut a 3 inch section of latticework from the fence, and we gently pulled the cat through! The cat seemed fine even though he suffered abrasions during the struggle. He eventually darted towards his suspected address.

There are animals in perilous situations at this very moment. A horse that had NO shelter & covered in ICE, was just one. (See "Our Stories" link). NOTHING was being done about it. I (as well as others), called the sheriff's office on 2/11/10, after receiving many distress calls on OWC phone lines about this horse. A citation/warning SHOULD have been issued to the horse owner for shelter violation- ORC 959.13(A)(2) (cruelty to "confined animals") & 1717.01(refers to any "dumb" animal that is confined). No animal shall endure suffering due to a lack of shelter. "Must be protected from elements". It is clearly stated in black and white. (see Lawriter.com).
Feb 2010
This was after 2 hours of sunshine thawing him out! (10:00am)

This 30 yr. old horse's life hung in the balance until an OWC construction crew built a shelter for this horse on Feb 23rd, 2010! (Courtesy of OWC). Mike, Brian & Tom were awesome builders. It was very easy to rectify this situation, and yet, the sheriff's department fought me tooth and nail, even though there was an OBVIOUS violation of state law. Sounds a bit odd, doesn't it?
*Generally, animals may die because officials will not uphold the laws that protect them. I believe these officials should be held responsible for their deaths when this occurs. PERIOD.*
Their opinion that the horse mentioned above was "FINE", had absolutely NO MERIT. They are NOT veterinarians! The laws for this animal should have been upheld. They weren't. End of story. Hopefully, on future elections, more caring individuals will be put into these positions. Good Day!

"Overnight Success"!
Julie & Horse owner

OWC Aids In Rescue Along With PETA
On Wednesday, Dec 1st, 2010, on behalf of PETA, OWC President Julie Tripodi and Heather Fawcett of Strasburg, rescued 7 neglected dogs (some starved) from Bowerston, OH. Neighbor Dave Hyatt made
sure that proper authorities were called in. Because the Warm & Cozy Sanctuary was already filled to capacity, they were loaded into a van rented by OWC and transported to Youngstown, OH "Animal Charities Humane Society". They were featured on the Youngstown evening news in hopes of finding potential adopters. "These dogs are very special and deserve to be nurtured and loved for the rest of their lives", says Tripodi. Please call "Animal Charities" at 330-788-1064. You may also log onto http://www.animalcharitiesofohio.org
Tabby & Emily

Sky And Damion Were Dumped at OWC Shelter On Nov 5th


Read about Damion and Skye in our local newspaper's website at:
http://www.timesreporter.com/ (Nov 18th, 2010 issue)
UPDATE: Sky and Damion have found loving adoptive parents (Jeff and Doris Belknap) and are doing great!
Frankie's Story

This is how Frankie looked when she appeared on Toni Bertini's property around May 28th, 2009. Filthy, matted, and starved, she emerged from the thick forest to be spotted near the family's chicken pen. Upon further inspection, Toni noticed the appalling condition of Frankie's teeth, and called Operation Warm & Cozy immediately.

I asked Toni if Frankie was wearing any I.D. tags, and miraculously, she was! I raced to see Frankie, and document my findings. Here are the tags that were "embedded" in Frankie's fur, practically strangling her:

Mary Oconner Shaver of Knowing that fellow animal advocate,
http://www.columbustopdogs.com/, had the resources to trace these numbers, I gave her a call. Within minutes, she knew Frankie's story. She traced her to one of the most notorious " puppy millers" in Minnesota, named Wanda McDuffee Kretzman, who has a long list of cruelty violations against her by the AWA (Animal Welfare Association)(see: http://www.againstpuppymills.org). Last summer, when she was raided by USDA inspectors, she housed 800 dogs! 6 of those dogs were randomly pulled for health checks. ALL 6 dogs suffered from SEVERE dental disorders and gum infections similar to Frankie's! Wanda was ORDERED to have all 6 dogs treated by a veterinarian immediatley. It's no mystery that gum infections and abscessed teeth are extremely painful. What about the other 794 dogs!!!! Between Nancy Minion, (animal welfare agent in Minnesota), and Mary Oconner Shaver, I found out that on November 21st,2009, Wanda had shipped 200 of these puppymill dogs to Farmerstown,OH to be auctioned of for next to nothing. Class B dog dealers may purchase these dogs for $1.00 to $10.00, and turn around and sell them to animal testing facilities for around $50.00 per dog. Here, the dogs have horrendous experiments performed on them WITHOUT anesthesia. Consumer product research is a common practice that uses dogs for "guinea pigs", so to speak. I believe Frankie escaped from one of these facilities, due to the abnormal shavings on her back and abdomen.
Skin infections were also present which is another clue. Dr Jeff Baranack, of Oak Pointe Vet Clinic, was alarmed at the state Frankie arrived in. He expertly removed 25% of Frankie's infected teeth, leaving the necessary ones, and treated her skin infections. He and the staff also bathed and groomed little Frankie. Physically AND emotionally, Frankie Lee Cozy was transformed! We really owe it to Dr. Baranack and his team! She is now in the care of lovely adoptive parents. Forever.

In loving memory of Frankie Lee Fabiano, who passed away 15 years ago. Frankie Lee Cozy was rescued on what would have been Frankie Lee Fabiano's 40th birthday! I truly believe that Frankie, my friend, guided Frankie, the dog, straight into my arms from the "other side". He was a lover of all dogs, and he grew up around his grandmother's "Poodles". God Bless
We have rescued "Wolfe". A lovely dog who had never been outside of a 4 by 4 ft. enclosure with a logging chain fastened to his TOO TIGHT collar for 14 years! He has cancer, but will live out the rest of his days at our Sanctuary. We love him ever so much! He now enjoys daily walks and resides in a 20ft. by 10ft. enclosure with his own house inside. Wolfe (below) will be free to roam in our near acre garden as soon as the fence is erected. Wolfe had surgery on Jan 6th, 2010 to remove a tumor located on his abdomen. All went very well. We were informed that Wolfe's tumor was benign. (It will not spread to other tissues). Wolfe has been at the Warm & Cozy Sanctuary for 2 years on Dec 9th, 2011! To be a buddy/sponsor to Wolfe call 330-364-7190.

Rescued Dog Gets New Leash On Life

(Tom, Mary Anne, Guinness & Julie)
Six week old Guinness was brought into the Warm & Cozy Sanctuary in the winter of '09 after he and his siblings were discarded like trash in 13 degree weather. He nearly died. Actually, 2 of the seven dogs did not make it, but I vowed to save the others. Currently, all five of the surviving dogs are in loving homes across Ohio. Guinness was evaluated and accepted into the Allegiant K-9 Academy, owned by master trainer Tom Nichols. He will be trained as a service dog for owner, Mary Anne, and provide the daily assistance she needs. Guinness goes to show that every dog's life is valuable!
OWC Saves The Life of "Buttons" In New Hampshire

At the "Bridgehouse" homeless shelter in Plymouth, New Hampshire, the directors have added "homeless" dogs to the list of residents. All of the dogs live indoors except for Buttons, due to his intense fear of humans. In order for Buttons to remain at the Bridgehouse, the directors felt that he needed a reliable doghouse for the winter. With no extra funds to buy him one, Nancy, a shelter staff member, called OWC here in Ohio to see if we could help save Buttons from the dead-end trip to the local dog pound. With the generous donations from 4 OWC members, I was able to order a doghouse at a nearby Tractor Supply in Tilton, NH. Now, Buttons will remain at the Bridgehouse, and I hear that he is getting better at putting his trust in humans with the gentle care of the tenants and staff. Every dog deserves a chance at a happy life!
Trio makes life more comfortable for local dog!

Together, Michella Huth, Dave Limbacher and Julie Tripodi saw to it that "Nemo", a giant Akita living here in town, had brand new digs! Michelle noticed that Nemo had no roof over the old wooden structure that he was dwelling in, and phoned Julie to see if OWC had a dog house big enough to hold Nemo. No such luck. Julie put in a call to dog lover, Dave Limbacher, who got to work immediately and built a wonderful, insulated doggy mansion! It weighed 400lbs! Dave and Julie put the new house in place and Nemo was overjoyed! He gave the two dog lovers loads of hugs and affection before climbing into his warm house!!!

This was Nemo's old doghouse!
VFW POST 1445 at New Phila Delivers!
When Operation Warm & Cozy (OWC) approached the New Philadelphia VFW Post 1445 asking for their help, they responded immediately. For the last year, the outdoor fence at the Warm & Cozy Sanctuary was laying in the grass. Volunteers like good sumaritan, Rus, of Strasburg, had managed to put the posts in place, but finding help to complete the fence seemed a hopeless cause. With winter approaching and temperatures dropping, it looked as if the fence project would have to wait yet another season. Not so! After hearing about the many important undertakings going on at Operation Warm & Cozy Inc., the VFW board members thought our organization was a worthwhile cause, and offered to help. Mike O'Conner, Larry Watts, Hayes Wiseman, Paul Haver and neighbor Jeremy Weigand worked in freezing temperatures for two days to finally complete the fence! The 17 dogs residing at the Warm & Cozy Sanctuary are now safely enjoying the near acre enclosure. The VFW Post 1445 also donated $500.00 to help with OWC's important endeavors. Thank's from all of us here at OWC!! You guys rock!!!

Dr. Laura Miller of the mobile cat spay operation called NOMAD, successfully performed 25 cat spay/neuter operations on July 31st, 2011. OWC arranged the event, and thanks to the Pearch's of New Philadelphia, we have prevented even more unwanted pregnancies and ultimately prevented the suffering of millions of felines within the next 6 years. OWC has welcomed NOMAD to our area before and we have now sterilized 111 felines within the last 12 months! Stay tuned for the next OWC/NOMAD event!

Animal Friendly Judge? I think not!
I have passed the certified Humane Agent Training course, and was elected by OWC Board Members to be a Humane Officer for Tuscarawas County and OWC. On Feb 24th, 2009, I was denied by Judge Linda Kate for the "Humane Officer" position. OWC is a HUMANE ORGANIZATION certified with the state of Ohio. IS THERE STILL NO LEGAL HUMANE OFFICER ON DUTY AS OF Dec 31st, 2010? What's going on Linda? We are legally allowed (and supposed to) appoint our own humane officer in order to respond to emergency calls, which we receive daily. We have watched numerous animals die helplessly due to the fact the fact that the judge will not "swear in" a certified officer from OWC, OR the other humane society in Tusc. Co. Every Humane Organization in the county MAY appoint it's own humane officer.This is a written law! Two officers are better than one. Animal lovers are anxiously awaiting a "legally" appointed humane officer from BOTH humane organizations in our county.
FACT:In the state of Ohio, it is ILLEGAL to euthanize animals using the "heart stick" method unless the animal is unconscious or sedated to the point where a "toe pinch" does not affect this animal! A conscious "heart stick" procedure is extremely painful and is not considered a "humane death". If you see this occur in ANY facility in Ohio, please contact me at 330-364-7190. I passed my CET training course on July 21st, 2010.
"WARM & COZY ANIMAL SANCTUARY" is actively in progress! Un-adopted pets will happily live out the rest of their lives here! Donations, dog/puppy food, and materials are still desperately needed in order to continue successfully.
We will be accepting donations to aid with fuel, vet bills, pet food, spay/neuter program, & Dog Sanctuary upgrades!
PayPal button currently active!

Location:New Philadelphia, OH 44663
On Saturday, Jan 17th, 2009, Operation Warm & Cozy provided shelter for a horse in Winfield, named "Overnight Success". We received the desperate calls for help Friday evening, due to the "lack of response" by our local Humane Society, "Overnight Success" was out in the arctic temperatures (-20), with absolutely no shelter. He had ice on his back and face. His head was slumped down in the snow. With the help of builder Zack Yockey, Richard, and Glass Lumber, a 3 sided structure with a roof, was built!
John, the horse's owner, was grateful that we were able to help and even offered a hand. UPDATE: On Feb 23rd. OWC rebuilt the horse's shelter. It is now 16 ft deep, has a new roof and offers great protection from the elements.

**NOTE**During the construction of the first shelter on Jan. 17th, 2009, Humane Society Board member, "Matt Wallick", "Former President Jill Haugh", and (1) other Boardette, stormed the scene. ('Bout time). I cordially invited the trio to help with the shelter. A request they flatly refused. They demanded that we stop production at once, saying, "This shelter is not required by Ohio law, but actually it IS! Ohio Revised Code 959.13(A)(2) and1717.01 states that no impounded animal shall suffer due to improper shelter or lack of. Disagreeing with them completely, due to the FREEZING HORSE -(hello!), LAW or NO LAW- the horse owner directed Zack and I to "TROLLUP" onward, and complete the job! Hooray!

Operation Warm & Cozy is NOT affiliated with the Tuscarawas County Humane Society, due to the fact that they are also a "PRIVATELY" run organization. The Tusc. Co. Humane Society has asked for our assistance on 2 separate occasions, to which OWC happily obliged, and will do in the future. Have a Warm & Cozy evening. Julie
Jan 17th, 2009 - Builder Zack Yockey to the rescue!

If you would NOT like your
animal to appear on this
website OR in a variety of
national mailers, MAKE
PROPERLY. Be kind to
God's creatures.